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Unit 6 Research Your Topic

単語 単語チェック

Unit 6 Research Your Topic
Unit 6 Research Your Topic
Unit 6 Research Your Topic
Unit 6 Research Your Topic
Unit 6 Research Your Topic
Unit 6 Research Your Topic

単語チェック 意味の問題 PDFファイル

単語チェック スペルの問題 PDFファイル

単語チェック 答え PDFファイル

Scene 1

What article is it?
Movie Trivia Quiz!
Which is taller, Godzilla or the Statue of Liberty?
Godzilla is taller than the Statue of Liberty.
Which movie is older, Your Name or My Neighbor Totoro?
My Neighbor Totoro is older than Your Name.
Which movie is the oldest of the three?
My Neighbor Totoro is the oldest of the three.

Scene 2

What is Josh asking about?
Asami, I have some questions for you.
Do you like movies?
Yes. I like movies.
OK. What kind of movies do you like?
....Action, comedy, animated movies, ....
Oh, I like science fiction movies.
Science fiction.
Why do you like them?
They're more interesting than other movies.
I think science fiction movies are the most interesting of all.
OK. Thank you for answering my questions, Asami.

Read and Think 1

What does Josh use to make a presentation?
Do you like movies?
We asked our classmates this question.
We asked the “yes” group, “What kind of movies do you like?”
Please look at the graphs.
According to our research, ninety-five percent of our classmates like movies.
As for the kind of movies, fifteen of our classmates like animated movies the best.
Nine of them like action movies the best, and science fiction got the same number.
Five like other kinds, such as love stories, comedies, or horror movies.
As a result of our research, we found that animated movies are the most popular in our class.
However, more than half of the class likes other kinds of movies better than animated movies.
That was a big surprise to us.

Read and Think 1

What comments does Kaito make about Josh's presentation?
Your topic was good.
I like action movies the best.
In our class, they are the second most popular kind of movies, and they are as popular as science fiction movies.
I am glad to know that.
Now I feel like talking about my favorite movies with our classmates.
You spoke clearly.
Also, you used graphs to show your data.
I could easily understand the results of your research.
Your slides were good, but some of the letters were too small.
I sit in the front row, but I could not see them well.
Please use larger letters next time.

Stage Activity 2

I think so, too.
I don't think so.
I agree.
I disagree.

Who do you like better, Makita or Takano?
I like Takano.
I think he's a better soccer player than Makita.
I agree, but he's not as cool as Makita.
I disagree. Takano is the coolest.

That's true.
I'm with you.
Well, I'm not so sure.
I have a different opinion.
I think A is the best soccer player in Japan.
I like A better than B.

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