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Unit 1 Sports for Everyone

単語 単語チェック

Unit 1 Sports for Everyone
Unit 1 Sports for Everyone
Unit 1 Sports for Everyone
Unit 1 Sports for Everyone
Unit 1 Sports for Everyone
Unit 1 Sports for Everyone

単語チェック 意味の問題 PDFファイル

単語チェック スペルの問題 PDFファイル

単語チェック 答え PDFファイル

Unit1 RT1

Who does Asami introduce in her speech?

Wheelchair tennis is an exciting Paralympic sport.

Japan has some really famous players.

One example is Kunieda Shingo.

He has won many world championships.

I watched some videos of his matches.

I was amazed at his power and speed.

However, Mr. Kunieda says, “Sometimes people say playing tennis in a wheelchair is amazing.

It makes me uncomfortable.

We're playing tennis just like other people.”

Another well-known player is Kamiji Yui.

She became the youngest Grand Slam winner in 14.

She once said, “I want to keep smiling when I play.

Smiles keep me positive.”

Her smiles keep us positive, too.

These two players remind us of the power of sports.

Everyone can enjoy sports, and playing and watching them makes people happy and positive.

Unit1 RT2

What is supporting athletes around the world?

Technology Makes Sports Possible for Everyone

There is a special wheelchair company in Chiba, Japan.

It was established by Ishii Shigeyuki.

He himself was a wheelchair user, and was not satisfied with ordinary types.

So he decided to design custom made wheelchairs.

They were lighter, stronger, and sportier.

Kunieda Shingo and Kamiji Yui use his company's wheelchairs in their matches.

These athletes show the world that wheelchairs can be functional and stylish.

Athletes tell the company that wheelchairs are like part of their bodies.

So the staff members listen carefully to their opinions.

They use technology to make the best wheelchair for each athlete.

Technology is supporting more and more athletes around the world.


April 30, 2023

Dear Justin,

My name is Asami.

I am a junior high school student in Japan, and I am a big fan of yours.

I have not been to any of your concerts, but I always catch your performances on TV.

Your last performance was really awesome.

I especially love the words of your songs.

“Bright Horizons” always makes me hopeful.

So, I have a question, Justin.

When you face a difficult challenge, how do you get over it?

Please write me back if you have time.

It will make me super happy!

When you come to Japan next time, I hope to be in the audience.

All the best,

Saito Asami

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