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Unit 2 Haiku in English

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Unit 2 Haiku in English
Unit 2 Haiku in English
Unit 2 Haiku in English
Unit 2 Haiku in English
Unit 2 Haiku in English
Unit 2 Haiku in English

単語チェック 意味の問題 PDFファイル

単語チェック スペルの問題 PDFファイル

単語チェック 答え PDFファイル

Unit2 1

Has Kaito finished his English homework yet?

From Meg, on Saturday evening

Hey. I've finished my English homework.

Have you finished yours yet?

I can't wait to read everyone's haiku.

From Kaito, on Sunday morning

Hi. I've just read your message.

I was sleeping when it came.

I haven't finished my homework yet.

I tried last night, but it's difficult to write haiku in English.

Unit2 2

How did Mr. Baker become interested in Japan?

Asami: Mr. Baker, how long have you lived in Japan?

Mr. Baker: For five years.

Asami: What brought you here?

Mr. Baker: Well, I learned about haiku when I was in elementary school.

It was very interesting, and I wanted to learn more about Japan.

Asami:Really! That's great. Who's your favorite haiku poet?

Mr. Baker: Basho. I've been a big fan since I first read his haiku.

His images of Japan made me curious.

Unit2 RT1

How long have Japanese people been writing haiku?

Father: What are you reading, Meg? You've been reading that since 10 a.m.

Meg: It's a book about haiku.

It's a little difficult, but it's interesting. Look.

Haiku have been an important part of Japanese culture since the Edo period.

Japanese people have been writing haiku for centuries.

Haiku are different from traditional English poems.

First, they are not written in sentences.

They use only a few words.

Second, the lines do not have to rhyme.

Third, a seasonal word must be included.

On the other hand, like most English poems, rhythm is very important.

Haiku use three lines — five, seven, and five syllables long.

Unit2 RT 2

Are English haiku popular outside Japan?

People outside Japan have been writing their own haiku for many years.

Haiku in English have become quite popular because they're short and easy to write.

The rules for English haiku are less strict than the Japanese rules.

For example, a seasonal word is not always necessary.

It's not always necessary to count syllables, either.

Haiku in English are not only easy to write, but also easy to read.

Actually, there are a lot of haiku websites.

There are so many sites that you can even find birthday haiku or pop culture haiku.

It may be a fun way to learn English.


Kaito: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Baker?

Mr. Baker: Yes. I'm Mike Baker.

Kaito: I’m Honda Kaito. Welcome to our school, Mr. Baker.

Mr. Baker: Thank you, Kaito. Are you in the third year?

Kaito: Yes, I'm in Class 3A. We've been looking forward to your class.

Mr. Baker: I'm glad to hear that. See you later.

Kaito: Goodbye.

I hope you enjoy your time in Japan.

Feel free to ask me if you have any questions.

Have you been to this festival before?

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